Wednesday 3 February 2010


My friend the homeless, I see him every morning.Such a bright mind.
When you look at him, you know that he knows. Nice, warm calm eyes.
A serene smile.
Have a nice day!- he smiles,eating a pear, caressed by the morning sun.
So different from the stressed (well-dressed, expensive haircuts) people I see every morning in the city.
Most expensive Mac concealers cannot cover their bitter expressions, the sad eyes.
Success,success,success,fail fail fail fail.
Sometimes, when I pass next to him running desperately to work ,I have a deep impulse of sitting by his side. Sharing a moment with this warm, wise person, and see the world through his eyes. Under the skies of London,while the city roars.

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Imagínate que entras en una habitación en donde hay un botón rojo. Cada vez que lo aprietas, muere un chino y automáticamente se añaden 10.000 euros a tu cuenta corriente.Puedes apretarlo las veces que quieras y nadie, nunca, podrá saberlo. ¿Qué harías?